Eduardo Andino

Eduardo Andino works at American Philanthropic, a consulting firm whose mission is to strengthen civil society by improving the effectiveness of charitable foundations and nonprofit organizations. He was born and raised in New York City, received his Bachelor's degree from Yale and his Master's degree from the University of Notre Dame, and currently lives in Hyde Park, Chicago, with his wife Kelly.

The 6 questions you need to ask before launching a capital campaign

For many organizations that already struggle just to match last year’s fundraising revenue, the capital campaign is simply a pipedream.

What is charity?

“Charity” and “philanthropy” are not equivalent ways of helping your neighbor. One—a Christian virtue—flows from love. The other—sterile and secular—is born out of duty.

Culture and anti-culture in philanthropy

The Christian tradition in the West knows the difference between charity and philanthropy, and thinkers in the East would benefit from using this distinction, too.

Just price in a moral market

The Christian notion of “just price” is not easily applied in today’s market, but it can go a long way toward fostering a fairer economy.

Charity and unpredictability

It is the role of charity to keep alive the memory that man is created in the image of God.

Civil society and the Leviathan

Civil society—an essential element of a flourishing democracy—has become impotent in the face of powerful forces that threaten a free society.

Against usury: philanthropy for a healthy market

Usury has the unintended consequence of making money unproductive and directed towards the wealthy. Nonprofit organizations should oppose usury while promoting a vibrant marketplace.

ford foundation, big philanthropy
Big philanthropy and the quest for homogeneity

A report from the Ford Foundation in the early 1990s betrays several of big philanthropy’s concerning and recent tendencies in its effort to “help” other cultures.

How to start a successful major donor club in 7 simple steps

Nonprofits that have a donor club and consider it an important part of their fundraising efforts have an average per-donor contribution level 49.6% higher than those that don’t.

5 easy ways to identify new major donor prospects

Direct mail prospecting, sending letters to strangers who have a reasonable chance of being interested in your mission, remains the cheapest and most efficient way to acquire new donors.