Eduardo Andino

Eduardo Andino works as the director of development at the Institute on Religion and Public Life, which publishes First Things. Previously, Eduardo worked for American Philanthropic, a consulting firm whose mission is to strengthen civil society by improving the effectiveness of charitable foundations and nonprofit organizations. He was born and raised in New York City, received his Bachelor's degree from Yale and his Master's degree from the University of Notre Dame.

George Soros, Karl Popper, and ironies of “The Open Society”

What presents itself as the best type of society for embracing different ways of life is in reality the beginning of the greatest uniformity.

Strengthening the local food economy: a new role for philanthropies?

Two former international businessmen are now working to rebuild the local food economy of Maine. Could their efforts serve as a model for foundations wishing to support localism and sustainable farming?

A new (yet ancient) trend: just give cash to those who need it

Benjamin Soskis writes on a new trend being considered by humanitarian groups: direct cash transfers to those in need…

Silicon Valley’s rootless philanthropy

The area’s new generation of tech millionaires is eager to invest in “global impact” while ignoring its local community.